
Belong. Believe. Grow. Serve.

We believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

MCBC is a church that gathers around the person and the teachings of Jesus because we believe there is no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot address. And it is our desire to see the power of Jesus unleashed in peoples’ lives.

What is the gospel?

The word gospel simply means “good news” and the good news is this: that Jesus came to earth to show us what God is like, to preach the kingdom of God and instil those kingdom values in the lives of his followers. He came to offer up his life as forgiveness for our sins, to conquer death and restore our relationship with God.

Maybe that sounds like a weighty theological answer, but it’s important that we get it right because it is the foundation for everything we are and everything we do.

The gospel...
  • was purchased for us through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
  • is received through our faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
  • can be captured in Jesus' favourite phrase: the Kingdom of God is here! In Jesus —and only Jesus— the Kingdom of God has come.

A new community of his followers has been started. A new way of life is now possible in the presence of God; it stretches into eternity, but it starts now.

The Kingdom of God is available now, through Jesus. It is available to anyone who wants it as a free gift of grace.

Do you have questions about life and faith and spirituality? We believe that Jesus is the best place to look for answers.

In a time when I was looking for peace in my life, a friend brought me to learn about Jesus. As I learned more, for the first time in my life all the busyness and financial worry started to wash away. The love I felt in committing to a path in him gave me new meaning. I started to finally live in the calmness of His word.

Mike Hilario

I follow Jesus because He is my only hope for what my life means. Life was hard before I knew Jesus. I began to question why I even had a life until I learned about Jesus, the son of God, who died for all of us. That's how much He loves us!

Cyrus Sieh (teenager)
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Discipleship Roadmap

Discipleship Plan 1

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Discipleship Plan 2

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Discipleship Plan 3

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Discipleship Plan 4

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Our Ministries

Let’s grow together
Connect4 Youth

Connect4 is our weekly youth ministry for students from Grades 6 – 12, on Thursday nights from 7-9pm. It’s a time to connect faith, family, fun, and friendship.  Come and connect with other students through interactive games and events. Come and connect with God through exploring and applying what His Word says to us. There are also special events like retreats, serving projects, and special outings. 

Contact to learn more about our exciting youth ministry.

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Men’s Ministry

You are the Man! Our MCBC Men’s Ministry exists to:
· inspire men to live a godly, Christ-oriented life
· encourage men to adopt a Christ-focused mindset and to serve Him joyfully in daily life
· develop men to form Christ-centered relationships with one another which promote spiritual growth and provide spiritual accountability
· mobilize men to share the Gospel with the lost and unchurched of this generation

Our Men’s Ministry Breakfast takes place in the MCBC basement from 8-9:30am on the first Saturday of the month (starting March 4th 2023). Men of all ages are welcome to join for this special time of food, fun, and fellowship! For more information and to sign up, contact Larry Li at

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Migrant Worker Ministry

Each year more than 60,000 workers come to Canada to work on farms and agricultural facilities across the nation. Hailing primarily from Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America, these migrant workers are some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Our new Migrant Worker Ministry is a hands-on, on-site initiative being offered in partnership with local farmer owners in Burford, ON (Brant County). On Sunday evenings in the summer, our team provides fellowship and support to them through providing a meal and helping to teach English classes.

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Open Hands

Open Hands is a food and clothing distribution ministry, and much more! In partnership with The Scott Mission, Open Hands compassionately shares food, clothing, friendship, and the hope and love of Christ with individuals from our church and community.

Our Open Hands volunteers and community gather together every other Thursday (check Events for dates and times). Our prayer is that individuals will be nourished physically, spiritually, relationally, and emotionally through Christ. Open Hands desires to be the hands and feet of Jesus, authentically loving and caring for people in practical and holistic ways.

If you’re interested in learning more, get in touch with us at

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On Sunday mornings, kids from JK – Grade 5 participate in worship with their families for the beginning of our service, and then go downstairs for Promiseland, where our dedicated teachers and volunteers share God’s Word with them through Bible stories, songs, crafts, and games. In this exciting and caring environment, children learn about God, experience His love for them, have fun, and make friends! 

For more information, contact

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Small Groups

MCBC Small Groups exist to help people to connect, grow and serve. We realize that relationships don’t just happen. They require time and energy! When you join a small group, you connect with others, pursue spiritual growth, and discover opportunities for reaching out and serving beyond yourself. Our small groups meet at various times and locations for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship (including virtual options). 

To find out how you can make your next step in growing as a disciple of Jesus, contact Pastor Sheldon at

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Third Wave

MCBC’s seniors meet for a lively gathering every Wednesday from 11:30am - 2pm. Come and enjoy a time of fellowship and fun that includes singing hymns, listening to a devotional teaching, and sharing lunch together. 

To learn more, e-mail our church office at

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Worship Ministry

Every week, members of our worship ministry rehearse and joyfully serve together during Sunday worship services. Our worship ministry is made up of a diverse group of volunteers, from many different cultural backgrounds, and ranging in age from teenagers to seniors. Roles include worship leaders, singers, musicians (piano, acoustic and electric guitar, bass, drums, percussion, violin, cello, trumpet, etc.), and A/V technicians (sound, video, and livestream). 

We also love to integrate other creative arts into our expressions of worship, including drama, spoken word/rap, poetry, visual art, dance, signing, and songwriting. 

If you have been regularly attending MCBC and are interested in serving in worship ministry or offering your creative talents, contact Daniel George-Okolo ( to explore the possibilities!

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Our Mission Partners

The Open Door

The Open Door at Square One is a city-wide, front line ministry outreach to the community of Mississauga. The Open Door’s ministry focuses on loving God and loving and serving people to improve the life situation of people who are going through difficult times.

MCBC helps in meeting the practical needs of those who are in crisis through the Open Door’s programs such as emergency food cupboard assistance, clothing distribution, friendship dinners, and many other programs. 

Canadian Baptist of Ontario and Quebec

The Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (CBOQ) supports the development of church life, leadership, and operations for a family of churches in Ontario and Quebec. CBOQ offers training opportunities, supports innovative ministries, and plays a collaborative role in seeding new expressions of church for today.

MCBC supports the growth of churches like our CBOQ sister church, Life Church, and other local churches. MCBC is actively involved in a number of CBOQ initiatives and events that support the growth of discipleship for children, family, youth, and the church.

Canadian Baptist Ministries

Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM), is a global mission organization committed to expressing God’s love through word and deed. CBM works in countries around the world, engaging with issues of poverty and injustice.

Through this partnership, MCBC supports churches and church planters, schools and theological education, and development projects in Bolivia, Lebanon, and the Philippines.

Short Term Ministries in the Philippines

In 2018, MCBC participated in a SENT experience with Canadian Baptist Ministries. A team of nine members from our church partnered with Filipino Baptists in Capiz province, Philippines. During this two-week experience, we had the privilege of forming deeper relationships with believers in the Philippines by learning, worshipping and serving with them. This partnership now continues as we share an ongoing relationship and support the ongoing ministry of four daycare centres in rural communities. This STEP (Serving, Training, Energizing Partnership) relationship offers vital support to our ministry of global mission.

Scott Mission

The Scott Mission seeks to see lives transformed by providing programs that address the physical, social and spiritual needs of low income families and the homeless in Toronto.  They offer meals daily, an overnight drop-in for men, a food and clothing bank for families, camp programs for children and youth, counselling, Sunday worship and many Bible studies and prayer meetings throughout the week.  

MCBC's Open Hands ministry runs in partnership with The Scott Mission, to compassionately share food, clothing, friendship, and the hope and love of Christ with individuals from our church and community.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) works together with a broad base of denominations, churches, and ministry organizations in Canada to do joint research, to strategize how better to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, to partner together in mission, and to seek the common good of people in our neighbourhoods, across Canada, and around the world.

MCBC is a partner of EFC and supports their goals in “Uniting Evangelicals to Bless Canada in the Name of Jesus”.

MCBC Refugee Settlement

At MCBC we strive to follow God’s command from Leviticus 19:33-34, “When immigrants live in your land with you, you must not cheat them. Any immigrant who lives with you must be treated as if they were one of your citizens. You must love them as yourself, because you were immigrants in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.”

We seek to support those who are oppressed and mistreated around the world by assisting in refugee settlement. This work begins by identifying candidates, assisting in the refugee application process, and helping them to establish their lives here when they arrive in Canada.

Mission Discipleship Short Term Missions (Ohsweken)

Ohsweken is located on the Six Nations Reserve close to Brantford, ON. Through a partnership with Six Nations Pentecostal Church and two Toronto area churches (Chinese Gospel Church and A Place Called Hope), MCBC helps run a VBS and youth program during the summer.

We seek to develop lasting relationships with the children, youth and families who live in the community. Our ministry includes the VBS and Youth programs each August followed by periodic one-day visits throughout the year and by connecting regularly through social media.

The HopeWorks Connection Inc.

The HopeWorks Connection is dedicated to the mission of empowering at-risk youth through the performing arts, academics and relieving poverty in a Christian context. Having roots in Toronto, the program has grown to other areas of Canada (Montreal and Halifax) and but still continues as the Toronto Children’s Concert Choir (TC3).

MCBC supports TC3’s goal to help youth by providing a focus and improved sense of self-esteem. MCBC has enjoyed TC3 performances and guest messages by their program leader, Rev. Denise Gillard.

Oasis Dufferin Community Centre

Oasis Dufferin Community Centre started by serving the needs of new immigrants coming to Canada. Oasis operates a number of programs in the community including: a food bank, ESL classes, a weekly drop-in/community dinner and counselling services for Spanish women. 

MCBC supports Oasis Dufferin’s goals to follow the example of Christ, by developing relationships in their diverse community and meeting physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those who come to them.

The DAM Youth Drop-in Centre

The DAM (Develop, Assist, Mentor) provides a place where youth can find community and belonging, be accepted and valued. They offer lunch and after school programs as one way for their staff to connect and develop relationships with teens in the area.

MCBC helps support the DAM’s ministry for at-risk youth in Mississauga.

Matthew House

Matthew House provides shelter and support to refugees as they transition into life in Canada. They also provide settlement programs that assist refugees in everyday tasks like learning how to set up a bank account or enrolling children in school.  

MCBC helps support Matthew Houses’ work with newcomers as they continue to expand their ministry by developing Child and Youth Homes.

Alpha Canada

Alpha Canada is a non-profit organization that provides the Alpha course resources to churches for free. Alpha creates a welcoming environment for people to explore the basics of the Christian faith through an 11-week course.

MCBC offers the Alpha course every year and we partner with Alpha Canada to invest in making it available across our nation. For more information about Alpha at MCBC, click here.


Baptism is a joyful celebration in the life of a believer and a compelling indication of the power of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Baptism is a public declaration that you are a follower of Jesus, that you belong to him, and that you are part of his gathered people, the church.

Why baptism?
  • Baptism is an act of obedience to the command of Jesus.
  • Baptism is one of the important ways we follow the example of Jesus in our own lives.
  • Baptism by immersion is a symbol of the death and resurrection of Jesus, a reminder of the transformation in your own life, and a proclamation to the community.

A decision to follow Christ is the beginning of the greatest adventure this world has to offer. We look forward to celebrating that decision with you. For more information, contact the church office about joining one of our baptism classes!

Baptism services are held regularly throughout the year.

Church Membership

Church membership is a part of God’s design for our lives. One of the beautiful metaphors for the church is the image of the body; the church is the body of Jesus.

...So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. (Romans 12:5)
Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread. (1 Corinthians 10:17)
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

All those who have committed their lives to Jesus as their Saviour, and celebrated that decision in baptism, are invited to take their place in the body of Christ—the church. Membership is an act of obedience, of servanthood and of joyful celebration.

If you are new to the church, we hope you are enjoying your time with us. We encourage you to take advantage of all the opportunities you find to learn and grow with us. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If there is a way we can further encourage, you please don’t hesitate to ask.

If you have been with us for some time and are looking for that next step in your spiritual life, we encourage you to consider church membership. To learn more about the commitment, contact the church office about membership classes!

Membership classes are offered several times throughout the year.